My aligners finally arrived! I've been wearing them for exactly one week now and I absolutely love it. There hasn't been a single person who's noticed my aligners unless I've told them. When I initially put them on it felt really strange. My bite was instantly altered and I had a tendency to clench on my teeth a lot. However, after 2-3 days I got used to them and was okay. I was expecting some soreness and pain, but surprisingly I didn't experience much. One morning I woke up and my lower front teeth were sore. I took some Tylenol and never experienced that pain again! The main reason I'm not experiencing as much soreness is because I'm constantly biting on the 'chewies.' The chewie is a soft cylinder shaped item and is used throughout your invisalign treatment. When you chew on it, it helps stimulate your blood flow which decreases any discomfort. It also helps seat the aligners more snug around your teeth. I still find myself having a slight lisp when talking for long periods of time. When I take the aligners on and off, I'll have a lisp for a few minutes and then I adjust to it.
To be honest, invisalign hasn't been a big challenge for me which is great! I've gotten so used to them that I feel like I've been wearing them for months.
Here is a video of me taking my Invisalign aligners on and off:
The funniest moment for me so far was just this past weekend when I was grabbing something to eat. I completely forgot that I had the aligners on and quickly remembered when I went to take a bite. Unfortunately for me there were lots of people around and no restroom in sight. I felt a little funny taking aligners out of my mouth in the middle of a large crowd. My friend had to cover me and I removed my aligners I'm sure we made an even bigger scene with her hovering over me haha!
I've added a simulation of how my teeth are going to change over time. It's so exciting being able to see the next step of your treatment!
If you're interested in finding out more about Invisalign, check out our website all about Invisalign in Toronto. Til next time, keep smiling!